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  1. Realm .NET SDK
  2. RNET-96

Access to deleted object in ChangeSet notification?

      I would like to have access to the deleted objects, when receiving a ChangeSet notification. As it is today, the deleted objects are already deleted from the database. I understand this, but if I for some reason want to do some kind of response to the deleted object, this is not possible today?

      Maybe somekind of "about to be deleted" notification?

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      • Realm Object Server Version: 1.8.3
      • Flavor:
        • [x] Developer
        • [ ] Professional
        • [ ] Enterprise
      • Server OS & Version: ? maxOSX Sierra
      • Client SDK Version: 1.6.0
      • Client OS & Version: Android 4.3

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