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  1. Realm Studio
  2. RSTUDIO-134

Object references need better mouseover/tooltip or customization for display

      Right now object references in a table pointing to another object show up as the model name only. It would be helpful if the tooltip/mouseover for the reference showed the value of the object being pointed to.

      For example in the screen capture below, there are 2 tables of interest: Instrument }} which is the basic data about a stock or other security, and {{EODData the End-of-Day data for every day of trading for these instruments. As you can see the Instrument column doesn't tell me which instrument this EODData record points to - clicking on it will, of course, take to the correct row in the Instruments table - (Sidebar issue – there's no back button or way to get back to the previous table/model display where you were (i.e, this is a 23,000+ row table, for example) w/out re-opening the table... this should be fixed...)

      Re: Customization: The best solution would be a way to customize what's shown in the field for an object reference – here for example, I might want to have the column show the instrument's ID which in the case is the instruments name (e.g., "AAPL").

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