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  1. Realm Studio
  2. RSTUDIO-185

Users wants to browse a huge "reference" Realm in query-based mode

      To help reduce the pain of browsing large Realm files (https://github.com/realm/realm-studio/issues/419) a users needs a way to open Realms in a query-based mode where only a subset of data is initially synchronized and data is synchronized on demand, when the user is browsing the Realm.

      The behaviour should essentially be the same as now - perhaps with some spinner indicating that the data associated with the query is being updated.

      From a technical standpoint the prerequisites are:

      1. the RealmFile has realmType === 'reference' and
      2. we need to be able to create a query with a filtering and stable sorting and adjust the limits (from element 0 to x where x is increased as the user scrolls through the objects)
      3. we need to be able to tell when the collection of objects associated with a query can be considered up-to-date (as we want to show the user if we are synchronizing or they can trust the view of the data as-is).

            kraen.hansen@mongodb.com Kræn Hansen
            unitosyncbot Unito Sync Bot
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