I've found this bug through an issue I'm having with Mongoid, so I'm not 100% sure if this is an issue with BSON, or that Mongoid is using it wrong.
Consider the following code:
attributes = BSON::Document.new attributes["test"] = nil (attributes["test"] ||= {}).merge!({"test" => "test}) # You'd expect attributes["test"] to be {"test" => "test"} # here, but it's actually {}
The last line is found in Mongoid here: https://github.com/mongodb/mongoid/blob/master/lib/mongoid/attributes.rb#L179 and (I think) is the result is causing issues like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29899935/mongoid-localized-field-not-being-set-in-first-form-submission
It works fine if you make attributes a Hash instead, so I presume it's something the way ||= or merge! are implemented in BSON::Document?
Writing my example differently, e.g.
attributes = BSON::Document.new attributes["test"] = nil attributes["test"] ||= {} attributes["test"].merge!({"test" => "test})
also works as expected.
- related to
MONGOID-4054 Mongoid localized field not being set in first form submission
- Closed