In the following, permissions.bool2 should be updated from true to false, but is not.
getLastErrorObj() shows n:0 even though the analogous find() finds the document.
mongos> sh.shardCollection("", { "path" : "hashed" } ) { "collectionsharded" : "", "ok" : 1 } mongos> { path: "thisisastring", "permissions": {"bool1": false, "bool2": true, "bool3": true }} ) mongos> { "_id" : ObjectId("526eeb94c4eb2de8a0d7ecc7"), "path" : "thisisastring", "permissions" : { "bool1" : false, "bool2" : true, "bool3" : true } } mongos> {path:/isa/}, {"$set":{"permissions.bool2": false}}, false, true) mongos> { "_id" : ObjectId("526eeb94c4eb2de8a0d7ecc7"), "path" : "thisisastring", "permissions" : { "bool1" : false, "bool2" : true, "bool3" : true } }
Note, however, that changing the shard key to e.g. path:1 or changing the query to an exact string match will make the update() work.
- related to
SERVER-12536 Only allow shard key types which can be used for an _id
- Closed