I'm trying to add one role to role75אω, and that one role is
role76ऊ@roledb72א. But when I look at the audit log, I see that it also has
evidently been granted read@admin.
Here's some of my code:
self.roles = [ {"role": self.other_role, "db": n['db2']}] utili.printf(u"Now I wish to grantRolesToRole, giving {0.role} the roles {0.roles}", self) database.command("grantRolesToRole", value=self.role, grantedRoles = self.roles) self.keys = ["role", "db", "roles"] rolling = u", ".join([u"{0}@{1}".format(x['role'], x['db']) for x in self.roles]) utili.printf(u"rolling = {0}", rolling)
And here's the related output:
Now I wish to grantRolesToRole, giving role75אω the roles [{'db': u'roledb72\u05d0', 'role': u'role76\u090a'}] rolling = role76ऊ@roledb72א
And here's the audit log:
2013-11-01T11:25:15.220-0400 admin@admin Created role role75אω@roledb72א with the roles: read@admin and the privileges, { resource: { db: "roledb72א", collection: "thrip" }, actions: [ "createUser", "dropUser" ] }. 2013-11-01T11:25:15.222-0400 admin@admin Created role role76ऊ@roledb72א with the roles and the privileges. 2013-11-01T11:25:15.224-0400 admin@admin Granted to role role75אω@roledb72א the roles: read@admin, role76ऊ@roledb72א.