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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-14047

endless "moveChunk failed, because there are still n deletes from previous migration"

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.6.1
    • Component/s: Sharding
    • None
    • Environment:
      64 Bit, wheezy
    • Linux

      Our mongodb cluster was unable to move chunks during 2 days until we restarted the whole cluster. The logs stated always the same error: ["moveChunk failed to engage TO-shard in the data transfer: can't accept new chunks because there are still 81 deletes from previous migration"]

      mongos> sh.moveChunk("offerStore.offer", { _id: 540867465 }, "offerStoreIT2");
              "cause" : {
                      "cause" : {
                              "ok" : 0,
                              "errmsg" : "can't accept new chunks because  there are still 81 deletes from previous migration"
                      "ok" : 0,
                      "errmsg" : "moveChunk failed to engage TO-shard in the data transfer: can't accept new chunks because  there are still 81 deletes from previous migration"
              "ok" : 0,
              "errmsg" : "move failed"
      mongos> db.changelog.find().sort({time:-1})
      { "_id" : "s163-2014-05-25T21:59:45-538267d121bb6c9634f5a4c0", "server" : "s163", "clientAddr" : "", "time" : ISODate("2014-05-25T21:59:45.234Z"), "what" : "moveChunk.from", "ns" : "offerStore.offer", "details" : { "min" : { "_id" : NumberLong(540867465) }, "max" : { "_id" : NumberLong(541166222) }, "step 1 of 6" : 0, "step 2 of 6" : 286, "note" : "aborted" } }
      { "_id" : "s163-2014-05-25T21:59:45-538267d121bb6c9634f5a4bf", "server" : "s163", "clientAddr" : "", "time" : ISODate("2014-05-25T21:59:45.061Z"), "what" : "moveChunk.start", "ns" : "offerStore.offer", "details" : { "min" : { "_id" : NumberLong(540867465) }, "max" : { "_id" : NumberLong(541166222) }, "from" : "offerStoreIT", "to" : "offerStoreIT2" } }

            thomas.rueckstiess@mongodb.com Thomas Rueckstiess (Inactive)
            kay.agahd@idealo.de Kay Agahd
            0 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
