Extend jstests for listCollections/listIndexes (test output format, the batchSize option, default batching, and killing/timeout if feasible).Other commands that return cursors should use Command::appendCursorResponseObject() helper.Change jstests invoking listCollections/listIndexes to not send "cursor: {}" option.Wrap GlobalCursorIdCache::_secureCreate in owning smart pointer (fixes memory leak on shutdown).(covered bySERVER-16661)Figure out if CursorManager::ns() should actually exist (consider also converting CursorManager into an interface, with a "collection" implementation and a "global" implementation, and unit test if feasible).listIndexes output "cursor.ns" field should be "<database>.$cmd.listIndexes.<collection>".Rename MockStage (new name: BufferedDataStage?).
- is duplicated by
SERVER-16047 listCollections silently ignores invalid filter format
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-16795 Recovery Unit invariant tripped when calling getMore through DBDirectClient
- Closed
SERVER-16661 GlobalCursorIdCache leaks a SecureRandom
- Closed