sh.addTagRange does not check if the tag was provided in the input and happily adds an entry for the config.tags with 'null' tag name. Although the shell helper completes successfully, the MongoS later on ends up in the exception loop for following exception:
2015-06-26T10:41:04.403-0400 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/aks-osx.local:37017:1435326271:16807' acquired, ts : 558d6480dfb9981b1a3ec7e9 2015-06-26T10:41:04.412-0400 [Balancer] Assertion: 13111:wrong type for field (tag) 6 != 2 2015-06-26T10:41:04.414-0400 [Balancer] 0x100485b1b 0x1004411c2 0x10043097f 0x100430a5d 0x1000d55c0 0x1002b90a2 0x1002be9e0 0x100432e8b 0x1004ba345 0x7fff88867268 0x7fff888671e5 0x7fff8886541d 0 mongos 0x0000000100485b1b _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43 1 mongos 0x00000001004411c2 _ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc + 114 2 mongos 0x000000010043097f _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc + 255 3 mongos 0x0000000100430a5d _ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiRKSs + 29 4 mongos 0x00000001000d55c0 _ZNK5mongo11BSONElement3chkEi + 800 5 mongos 0x00000001002b90a2 _ZN5mongo8Balancer15_doBalanceRoundERNS_12DBClientBaseEPSt6vectorIN5boost10shared_ptrINS_11MigrateInfoEEESaIS7_EE + 6382 6 mongos 0x00000001002be9e0 _ZN5mongo8Balancer3runEv + 2508 7 mongos 0x0000000100432e8b _ZN5mongo13BackgroundJob7jobBodyEv + 257 8 mongos 0x00000001004ba345 thread_proxy + 229 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff88867268 _pthread_body + 131 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff888671e5 _pthread_body + 0 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00007fff8886541d thread_start + 13 2015-06-26T10:41:04.415-0400 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/aks-osx.local:37017:1435326271:16807' unlocked.
- related to
SERVER-6357 Add tag based sharding commands
- Closed