Resolution: Duplicate
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: 2.4.14
Component/s: Aggregation Framework
Sometimes, sh.status() returns incomplete result.
mongos> sh.status() Tue Sep 1 21:34:25 uncaught exception: group command failed: { "retval" : [ { "shard" : "s0", "nChunks" : 7075 }, { "shard" : "s1", "nChunks" : 1806 }, { "shard" : "s2", "nChunks" : 600 }, { "shard" : "s3", "nChunks" : 8024 }, { "shard" : "s4", "nChunks" : 8024 } ], "count" : 25529, "keys" : 5, "errmsg" : "exception: JavaScript execution terminated", "code" : 16721, "ok" : 0 }
At this time, config server print this message to it's log file.
Tue Sep 1 20:20:32.837 [conn11373] command config.$cmd command: { group: { cond: { ns: "db1.coll1" }, key: { shard: 1.0 }, initial: { nChunks: 0.0 }, ns: "chunks", $reduce: function ( doc , out ){ out.nChunks++; } } } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 numYields: 4 locks(micros) r:2255642 reslen:305 1415ms Tue Sep 1 20:20:33.082 [conn11373] JavaScript execution terminated
And according to the source code (src/mongo/db/commands/group.cpp), Looks like aggregation function has 100ms timeout. (I am not sure this is exact cause of incomplete result of sh.status())
s->setObject( "$initial" , initial , true ); s->exec( "$reduce = " + reduceCode , "$group reduce setup" , false , true , true , 100 ); s->exec( "$arr = [];" , "$group reduce setup 2" , false , true , true , 100 ); ScriptingFunction f = s->createFunction( "function(){ " " if ( $arr[n] == null ){ " " next = {}; " " Object.extend( next , $key ); " " Object.extend( next , $initial , true ); " " $arr[n] = next; " " next = null; " " } " " $reduce( obj , $arr[n] ); " "}" );
Is this something to do with SERVER-17012.
And Can I change sh.status command(aggreation framework) timeout.
We have 3 collections and two of them have about 25000 chunks each and the other one has a few chunks.
- duplicates
SERVER-13985 printShardingStatus uses group/JS
- Closed