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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-21974

mongo shell can't explain insensible case regex

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Querying
    • None
    • Query
    • ALL
      • Enter mongo shell
      • Make a query containg an insensible case regex (such as "(?i)foo")
      • Mongo crashes


      when I use the explain method on a query which contains a regex with insensible case. mongo crashes and print the following backtrace :

      2015-12-21T18:23:18.566+0100 I -        Assertion: 16686:error converting js type to Utf8Value
      2015-12-21T18:23:18.568+0100 I CONTROL  
       0x83bbce 0x7d758e 0x7b8fdf 0x773961 0x75cc37 0x75d9aa 0xa24bb8 0xa2505d 0xa91a2c 0x9b32cb 0x9b3f07 0x153296e06362
      ----- BEGIN BACKTRACE -----
      {"backtrace":[{"b":"400000","o":"43BBCE"},{"b":"400000","o":"3D758E"},{"b":"400000","o":"3B8FDF"},{"b":"400000","o":"373961"},{"b":"400000","o":"35CC37"},{"b":"400000","o":"35D9AA"},{"b":"400000","o":"624BB8"},{"b":"400000","o":"62505D"},{"b":"400000","o":"691A2C"},{"b":"400000","o":"5B32CB"},{"b":"400000","o":"5B3F07"},{"b":"0","o":"153296E06362"}],"processInfo":{ "mongodbVersion" : "3.0.7", "gitVersion" : "nogitversion", "uname" : { "sysname" : "Linux", "release" : "4.3.0-gentoo", "version" : "#1 SMP Tue Nov 17 14:10:41 CET 2015", "machine" : "x86_64" }, "somap" : [ { "elfType" : 2, "b" : "400000" }, { "b" : "7FFE7DDB6000", "path" : "linux-vdso.so.1", "elfType" : 3, "buildId" : "2310387BD45A7EC83B4442510FE0A5DF6C59A286" }, { "b" : "7F555DD57000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libboost_program_options.so.1.57.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555DB3F000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libboost_filesystem.so.1.57.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555D91B000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libboost_thread.so.1.57.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555D717000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libboost_system.so.1.57.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555D4C3000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libstemmer.so.0d", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555D2B9000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libpcrecpp.so.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555D03A000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libyaml-cpp.so.0.5", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555CE1E000", "path" : "/lib64/libpthread.so.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555CBA8000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libssl.so.1.0.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555C769000", "path" : "/usr/lib64/libcrypto.so.1.0.0", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555C561000", "path" : "/lib64/librt.so.1", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555C35D000", "path" : "/lib64/libdl.so.2", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555BFDB000", "path" : "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0/libstdc++.so.6", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555BCDD000", "path" : "/lib64/libm.so.6", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555BAC6000", "path" : "/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.3.0/libgcc_s.so.1", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555B72A000", "path" : "/lib64/libc.so.6", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555DFCF000", "path" : "/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555B4BA000", "path" : "/lib64/libpcre.so.1", "elfType" : 3 }, { "b" : "7F555B2A4000", "path" : "/lib64/libz.so.1", "elfType" : 3 } ] }}
       mongo(_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo+0x3E) [0x83bbce]
       mongo(_ZN5mongo10logContextEPKc+0xEE) [0x7d758e]
       mongo(_ZN5mongo11msgassertedEiPKc+0xBF) [0x7b8fdf]
       mongo(_ZN5mongo11toSTLStringERKN2v86HandleINS0_5ValueEEE+0x81) [0x773961]
       mongo(_ZN5mongo7V8Scope16mongoToV8ElementERKNS_11BSONElementEb+0xB27) [0x75cc37]
       mongo(+0x35D9AA) [0x75d9aa]
       mongo(_ZN2v88internal8JSObject26GetPropertyWithInterceptorEPNS0_10JSReceiverEPNS0_6StringEP18PropertyAttributes+0x208) [0xa24bb8]
       mongo(_ZN2v88internal6Object23GetPropertyWithReceiverEPS1_PNS0_6StringEP18PropertyAttributes+0x8D) [0xa2505d]
       mongo(_ZN2v88internal7Runtime17GetObjectPropertyEPNS0_7IsolateENS0_6HandleINS0_6ObjectEEES6_+0xDC) [0xa91a2c]
       mongo(_ZN2v88internal11KeyedLoadIC4LoadENS0_16InlineCacheStateENS0_6HandleINS0_6ObjectEEES5_b+0x5B) [0x9b32cb]
       mongo(_ZN2v88internal16KeyedLoadIC_MissENS0_9ArgumentsEPNS0_7IsolateE+0xD7) [0x9b3f07]
       ??? [0x153296e06362]
      -----  END BACKTRACE  -----
      2015-12-21T18:23:18.570+0100 E QUERY    Error: 16686 error converting js type to Utf8Value
          at tojsonObject (src/mongo/shell/types.js:656:20)
          at tojson (src/mongo/shell/types.js:600:17)
          at Function.Array.tojson (src/mongo/shell/types.js:166:23)
          at tojsonObject (src/mongo/shell/types.js:627:30)
          at tojson (src/mongo/shell/types.js:600:17)
          at tojsonObject (src/mongo/shell/types.js:664:57)
          at tojson (src/mongo/shell/types.js:600:17)
          at tojsonObject (src/mongo/shell/types.js:664:57)
          at tojson (src/mongo/shell/types.js:600:17)
          at tojsonObject (src/mongo/shell/types.js:664:57) at src/mongo/shell/types.js:656

      What should I do ?

            backlog-server-query Backlog - Query Team (Inactive)
            Shir0kamii Alexandre Bonnetain [X]
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
