As part of the changes from SERVER-14973, a const reference to a BSONElement of type EOO is returned by the findParentEqualityElement() function when there aren't any equality matches along any component of the path.
const BSONElement& findParentEqualityElement(const EqualityMatches& equalities, const FieldRef& path, int* parentPathParts) { // We may have an equality match to an object at a higher point in the pattern path, check // all path prefixes for equality matches // ex: path: 'a.b', query : { 'a' : { b : <value> } } // ex: path: 'a.b.c', query : { 'a.b' : { c : <value> } } for (int i = static_cast<int>(path.numParts()); i >= 0; --i) { // "" element is *not* a parent of anyone but itself if (i == 0 && path.numParts() != 0) continue; StringData subPathStr = path.dottedSubstring(0, i); EqualityMatches::const_iterator seenIt = equalities.find(subPathStr); if (seenIt == equalities.end()) continue; *parentPathParts = i; return seenIt->second->getData(); } *parentPathParts = -1; static const BSONElement eooElement; return eooElement; }
Due to the lack of thread-safe function local static initialization support in MSVC 2013, it's possible for the findParentEqualityElement() function to be called by multiple threads concurrently and for one of the threads to return a reference to uninitialized memory.
Analysis from the core dump attached to this ticket
Below are the values of the local variables in the checkEqualityConflicts() function. It's peculiar that parentEl isn't present in this list; however, the fact that parentPathPart == -1 indicates that the findParentEqualityElement() function returned eooElement.
Name | Value | Type |
equalities | {size=2234102074524566271} | const std::map<mongo::StringData,mongo::EqualityMatchExpression const *,std::less<mongo::StringData>,std::allocator<std::pair<mongo::StringData const,mongo::EqualityMatchExpression const *> > > & |
path | {_size=285537879520 _fixed=0x000000427d98c1f8 {{_data=0x0000000000000000 <NULL> _size=0}, {_data=0x0000000000000000 <NULL> ...}, ...} ...} | const mongo::FieldRef & |
suffixStr | {_data=0x000007f7b78d8e22 "HƒÄ(ÃÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌÌff\xf\x1f„" _size=0} | mongo::StringData |
prefixStr | {_data=0x000000427d98c888 "Ș}B" _size=285575004344} | mongo::StringData |
pathStr | {_data=0x0000004200000000 "" _size=0} | mongo::StringData |
errMsg | "" | std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > |
parentPathPart | -1 | int |
Below is the assembly code corresponding to these lines of findParentEqualityElement(). The dword ptr [eooElement+10h (07F7B7D3C940h)] address is set to 1 when eooElement is being initialized and not after it has been initialized. It's then possible that another thread performs test al,1 and returns [eooElement (07F7B7D3C930h)] prior to the BSONElement value being fully initialized.
*parentPathParts = -1; 000007F7B73FA3B2 mov dword ptr [r15],0FFFFFFFFh static const BSONElement eooElement; 000007F7B73FA3B9 mov eax,dword ptr [eooElement+10h (07F7B7D3C940h)] 000007F7B73FA3BF test al,1 000007F7B73FA3C1 jne mongo::pathsupport::findParentEqualityElement+36Bh (07F7B73FA3EBh) 000007F7B73FA3C3 or eax,1 000007F7B73FA3C6 mov dword ptr [eooElement+10h (07F7B7D3C940h)],eax 000007F7B73FA3CC lea rax,[`mongo::BSONElement::BSONElement'::`2'::kEooElement (07F7B7A0DF68h)] 000007F7B73FA3D3 mov qword ptr [eooElement (07F7B7D3C930h)],rax 000007F7B73FA3DA mov dword ptr [eooElement+8h (07F7B7D3C938h)],r13d 000007F7B73FA3E1 mov dword ptr [eooElement+0Ch (07F7B7D3C93Ch)],1 return eooElement; 000007F7B73FA3EB lea rax,[eooElement (07F7B7D3C930h)] } 000007F7B73FA3F2 mov rbx,qword ptr [equalities] 000007F7B73FA3FA add rsp,80h 000007F7B73FA401 pop r15 000007F7B73FA403 pop r14 000007F7B73FA405 pop r13 000007F7B73FA407 pop r12 000007F7B73FA409 pop rdi 000007F7B73FA40A pop rsi 000007F7B73FA40B pop rbp 000007F7B73FA40C ret