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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-27676

Mongod is not able to restart after OOM kill

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Replication
    • None
    • ALL

      The primary of a replica set of my shard was killed due to an OOM issue.
      After that the server is not able to restart.

      Version is 3.2.3 WiredTiger

      2017-01-13T16:54:54.263+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #12 (11 connections now open)
      2017-01-13T16:54:54.294+0000 I ASIO     [NetworkInterfaceASIO-BGSync-0] Successfully connected to:27017
      2017-01-13T16:54:54.607+0000 I ACCESS   [conn12] Successfully authenticated as principal __system on local
      2017-01-13T16:54:54.673+0000 I REPL     [rsBackgroundSync] Starting rollback due to OplogStartMissing: our last op time fetched: (term: 405, timestamp: Jan 13 16:09:01:3). source's GTE: (term: 406, ti
      mestamp: Jan 13 16:09:01:3) hashes: (1329492769709081641/-2280498797367626345)
      2017-01-13T16:54:54.673+0000 I -        [rsBackgroundSync] Fatal assertion 18750 UnrecoverableRollbackError: need to rollback, but in inconsistent state. minvalid: (term: 406, timestamp: Jan 13 16:13:
      31:f) > our last optime: (term: 405, timestamp: Jan 13 16:09:01:3)
      2017-01-13T16:54:54.673+0000 I -        [rsBackgroundSync]
      ***aborting after fassert() failure

            kelsey.schubert@mongodb.com Kelsey Schubert
            dharshanr@scalegrid.net Dharshan Rangegowda
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
