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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-28915

Deadlock involving ViewCatalog mutex and MMAPv1 flush lock

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 3.4.0
    • Component/s: MMAPv1, Querying
    • Query
    • ALL
    • Hide

      Reproducible via the following FSM test:

      'use strict';
      load('jstests/concurrency/fsm_workload_helpers/drop_utils.js');  // for dropCollections
      var $config = (function() {
          var data = {
              // Use the workload name as a prefix for the view name, since the workload name is assumed
              // to be unique.
              prefix: 'system_views_write'
          var states = (function() {
              function init(db, collName) {
                  this.threadViewName = this.prefix + '_' + this.tid;
                  this.threadViewNS = db.getName() + '.' + this.threadViewName;
                  this.collNS1 = db[collName].getFullName();
                  this.collNS2 = db[collName].getFullName() + "_2";
              function insert(db, collName) {
                  const pipeline = [];
                  assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.insert({_id: this.threadViewNS, viewOn: this.collNS1, pipeline: pipeline}));
              function update(db, collName) {
                  assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.update({_id: this.threadViewNS}, {$set: {viewOn: this.collNS2}}));
              function remove(db, collName) {
                  assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.remove({_id: this.threadViewNS}));
              function read(db, collName) {
                  // This is a read on an non-existent collection, which will require ViewCatalog lookup.
                  assertAlways.commandWorked(db.runCommand({find: collName}));
              return {init: init, insert: insert, update: update, read: read, remove: remove};
          var transitions = {
              init: {insert: 1},
              insert: {update: 0.5, read: 0.5},
              update: {remove: 0.5, read: 0.5},
              read: {remove: 0.5, read: 0.5},
              remove: {insert: 1}
          function setup(db, collName, cluster) {
              const coll = db[collName];
              const viewsColl = db["system.views"];
          function teardown(db, collName, cluster) {
              var pattern = new RegExp('^system.views$');
              dropCollections(db, pattern);
          return {
              threadCount: 10,
              iterations: 10000,
              data: data,
              states: states,
              transitions: transitions,
              setup: setup,
              teardown: teardown
      Reproducible via the following FSM test: 'use strict' ; load( 'jstests/concurrency/fsm_workload_helpers/drop_utils.js' ); // for dropCollections var $config = ( function () { var data = { // Use the workload name as a prefix for the view name, since the workload name is assumed // to be unique. prefix: 'system_views_write' }; var states = ( function () { function init(db, collName) { this .threadViewName = this .prefix + '_' + this .tid; this .threadViewNS = db.getName() + '.' + this .threadViewName; this .collNS1 = db[collName].getFullName(); this .collNS2 = db[collName].getFullName() + "_2" ; } function insert(db, collName) { const pipeline = []; assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.insert({_id: this .threadViewNS, viewOn: this .collNS1, pipeline: pipeline})); } function update(db, collName) { assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.update({_id: this .threadViewNS}, {$set: {viewOn: this .collNS2}})); } function remove(db, collName) { assertAlways.writeOK(db.system.views.remove({_id: this .threadViewNS})); } function read(db, collName) { // This is a read on an non-existent collection, which will require ViewCatalog lookup. assertAlways.commandWorked(db.runCommand({find: collName})); } return {init: init, insert: insert, update: update, read: read, remove: remove}; })(); var transitions = { init: {insert: 1}, insert: {update: 0.5, read: 0.5}, update: {remove: 0.5, read: 0.5}, read: {remove: 0.5, read: 0.5}, remove: {insert: 1} }; function setup(db, collName, cluster) { const coll = db[collName]; const viewsColl = db[ "system.views" ]; coll.drop(); viewsColl.drop(); } function teardown(db, collName, cluster) { var pattern = new RegExp( '^system.views$' ); dropCollections(db, pattern); } return { threadCount: 10, iterations: 10000, data: data, states: states, transitions: transitions, setup: setup, teardown: teardown }; })();
    • 15


            backlog-server-query Backlog - Query Team (Inactive)
            james.wahlin@mongodb.com James Wahlin
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
