Filed to investigate why, and if its expected update the docs to warn users that follow up reads will not be causally consistent with the findAndModify unless it uses w:majority.
the issue logs:
After the root cause is determined here is the proposal to address the issue:
1. Add OperationContext argument to interface EgressMetadataHook::readReplyMetadata
virtual Status readReplyMetadata(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData replySource, const BSONObj& metadataObj) = 0;
2. In ShardingConnectionHook::onCreate add the opCtx for replyMetadataReader:
if (_shardedConnections) { conn->setReplyMetadataReader([this](OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& metadataObj, StringData target) { return _egressHook->readReplyMetadata(opCtx, target, metadataObj); }); }
3. in DBClientWithCommands::runCommandWithTarget pass the operationContext to the _metadataReader call
Reading OperationTime
4. add OperationTimeHook class
Status OperationTimeHook::readReplyMetadata(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData replySource, const BSONObj& metadataObj) { std::shared_ptr<OperationTimeTracker> timeTracker = OperationTimeTracker::get(opCtx); auto operationTime =metadataObj[kOperationTimeField]; if (!operationTime.eoo()) { invariant(operationTime.type() == BSONType::bsonTimestamp); timeTracker->updateOperationTime(LogicalTime(operationTime.timestamp())); } }
5. install OperationTimeHook to the hook list in runMongosServer
unshardedHookList->addHook(stdx::make_unique<rpc::OperationTimeHook>()); shardedHookList->addHook(stdx::make_unique<rpc::OperationTimeHook>());
- is duplicated by
SERVER-29455 Mongos egress operations over DBClient must update OperationTimeTracker
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-29629 Add causally consistent passthrough with auth
- Closed