Kinda critical as my production servers are also affected.
I had hosted mongodb on a server from IBM's bluemix. Today the link went down in the region of my server. They restored the link but there were other issues now. My VSI's filesystem is now in a read-only state. Which seems like is due to inconsistencies in the root filesystem. They tried to boot our VSI into a rescue kernel and run a filesystem check (fsck). Unfortunately that didn't fix it. Bottom line is that I can not run any service on my server atm.
I need to access my db to host it on another server. The last backup that I have is from 3 weeks back. I need latest backup and I can not create new backup file as service cannot run on a read-only filesystem.
Question: I can access the files on dbpath and have already made a backup of those files on my local machine. Is there some way I can use these files to up another instance of mongodb?
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
I have all the files from dbpath. I can share them if you want.