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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-34382

Memory and swap consumption

    • Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Works as Designed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 3.4.10, 3.4.14
    • Component/s: Performance, WiredTiger


      On a single server we're hosting 4 different mongod instances from two different sharded clusters:

      • One primary from cluster1
      • One arbiter from cluster1
      • One secondary from cluster2
      • One arbiter from cluster2

      Server has following specs:
      8 Cores
      64GB RAM
      4GB Swap

      We have 20 servers with pretty much the same deployment.
      One primary from one cluster.
      One secondary from the other cluster
      One arbiter from each clusters

      We currently are facing issues with memory and swap consumption.
      Usually the Primary is consuming most of the memory and most of the swap.

      We recently restarted the secondary on a server and it appear the primary uses almost 40GB of RAM.

                  total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
      Mem:         64347      40719      23627        452          5       2360
      -/+ buffers/cache:      38353      25993
      Swap:         4095       1419       2676

      We tried to limit WTCacheSizeGB to 12GB per mongod few weeks ago but the issue still stands.
      We tried to lower it to 10GB but we started to have slowness and perfomances issues so we went back up to 12GB.

      mongodb   5088  0.2  0.0 1021216 33016 ?       Ssl  Mar29  46:20 /opt/mongo/clust-users-1-shard10-arb-2 --config /etc/mongodb.d/clust-users-1-shard10-arb-2.conf
      mongodb  24194  0.3  0.0 1025444 34460 ?       Ssl  Mar27  57:03 /opt/mongo/clust-users-2-shard9-arb-1 --config /etc/mongodb.d/clust-users-2-shard9-arb-1.conf
      mongodb  12199 85.4 33.0 23322576 21776176 ?   Ssl  15:08  55:47 /opt/mongo/clust-users-2-shard6-1 --config /etc/mongodb.d/clust-users-2-shard6-1.conf
      mongodb   9296  156 55.5 43653800 36571228 ?   Ssl  Mar20 46232:29 /opt/mongo/clust-users-1-shard8-1 --config /etc/mongodb.d/clust-users-1-shard8-1.conf

      It can be seen that clust-users-1-shard8-1 (primary) uses 55.5% of the memory.
      clust-users-2-shard6-1 (secondary) uses already 33% of memory despite being restarted less than a day ago and not being a primary at any point.

      We do not understand how and why a single instance can use more than half the total memory of the server despite having set the WiredTigerCacheSizeGB.

      You'll find attached the configuration files from each instances including arbiters.


        1. Capture d’écran 2018-04-18 à 10.45.49.png
          Capture d’écran 2018-04-18 à 10.45.49.png
          174 kB
        2. Capture d’écran 2018-05-02 à 09.23.03.png
          Capture d’écran 2018-05-02 à 09.23.03.png
          160 kB
        3. clust-users-1-shard10-arb-2.conf
          0.3 kB
        4. clust-users-1-shard8-1.conf
          0.5 kB
        5. clust-users-2-shard6-1.conf
          0.5 kB
        6. clust-users-2-shard9-arb-1.conf
          0.3 kB

            bruce.lucas@mongodb.com Bruce Lucas (Inactive)
            benoit@sendinblue.com Benoit Bui
            0 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue
