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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-3537

Security (write-only setting for database key)

    • Server Security

      Obviously Mongo isn't vulnerable to the sorts of injection that haul sensitive data off SQL databases all day, every day. However, SQL injection attacks raise a significant and broad security question: why do application servers have access to sensitive data that they don't need? Proposal:

      • Allow the user to declare a database key as "write only"
      • Queries against this key behave as normal
      • Optionally raise an error or return null on attempts to read the restricted key

      This would create a strong layer of security around data such as passwords that must be written and compared but never ever read.

            backlog-server-security [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Security Team
            khabok Jason Voorhees
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
