Test creates 15k collections as fast as possible. 4.0.10 is on the left, 4.2.0-rc1 on the right.
- 4.0.10 (B-E)
- overall creating about 150 collections per second
- C-D: rate slows down during checkpoint, but no stalls
- 4.2.0-rc1 (F-J)
- F-G: initial rate is higher
- G: after a few seconds collection creation rate drops to ~3/s, accompanined by a high rate of failed evictions and an extremely high rate of bytes written, ~200 MB/s.
- H: shortly after the checkpoint starts we see an extended stall of ~100 s, during which no FTDC data is collected.
- I: stall ends, but checkpoint continues and very low rate of collection creation and very high rate of bytes written continues (possibly indefinitely?).
function repro() { nthreads = 10 threads = [] for (var t=0; t<nthreads; t++) { thread = new ScopedThread(function(t) { for (var i=0; i<1500; i++) { if (t==0 && i%100==0) print(i) db['c' + t + '.' + i].insert({}) } }, t) threads.push(thread) thread.start() } for (var t = 0; t < nthreads; t++) threads[t].join() }
- depends on
WT-4882 Improve checkpoint performance when there are large metadata pages
- Closed