Type: Improvement
Resolution: Won't Do
Priority: Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: 4.2.0
Component/s: Aggregation Framework
I always dread having to $group after an $unwind. I find myself commonly performing $unwind so I can do operations on the children like $lookup.
A common simplified scenario might be getting the total inventory count for items in a basket:
db.basket.insertMany([ { person: 'andrea', basket: [ {name: 'apple', qty: 2}, {name: 'banana', qty: 3}, {name: 'cucumber', qty: 1}, ] }, { person: 'bob', basket: [ {name: 'banana', qty: 20} ] }, { person: 'curtis', basket: [] } ]); db.item.insertMany([ {name: 'apple', location: 'California', inventory: 1}, {name: 'banana', location: 'California', inventory: 2}, {name: 'cucumber', location: 'California', inventory: 3}, {name: 'apple', location: 'Colorado', inventory: 11}, {name: 'banana', location: 'Colorado', inventory: 12}, {name: 'cucumber', location: 'Colorado', inventory: 13} ]);
Now, to get this, the aggregation is:
db.basket.aggregate([ { $unwind: { path: '$basket', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } }, {$lookup: { from: 'item', let: { 's_name': '$basket.name' }, as: 'basket._item', pipeline: [ {$match: {$expr: {$eq: ['$name', '$$s_name']}}}, {$group: { _id: null, total_inventory: {$sum: '$inventory'} }}, {$project: { _id: 0 }} ] }}, {$unwind: { path: '$basket._item', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true }}, { $group: { _id: { '_id': '$_id' }, person: { $first: '$person' }, basket: { $push: '$basket' } } } ]);
Now, the 1st $unwind and $lookup stages are fine. The 2nd $unwind stage is a pet peeve of mine (I wish there was just a $lookupOne operator, but that's beside the point).
So that leaves us with the $group stage. You can see the pattern for $grouping after an $unwind is just
pathOfThingUnwound: {$push: '$pathOfThingUnwound'}
The problem, annoying thing, however, is having to do all of the $first operations. It gets quite cumbersome to keep track of all of the fields that are in the document up to that point. I imagine the stage `$addFields` was created from this same reasoning (using a $project and repeating everything all over again is tedious).
Is there a solution?