This applies to two phase index builds only. Previously, the index build would be aborted on stepdown.
- causes
SERVER-45028 move timestamping logic for completing single-phased index builds within IndexBuildsCoordinator
- Closed
- is depended on by
SERVER-43692 enable two phase index builds by default
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-38986 Timestamp drained writes from the index build side table to the index
- Closed
SERVER-39085 move secondary oplog application logic for index creation into IndexBuildsCoordinator
- Closed
SERVER-39451 Add recover to a stable timestamp logic for startIndexBuild, abortIndexBuild, commitIndexBuild
- Closed
SERVER-39452 Add rollback via refetch logic for startIndexBuild, abortIndexBuild, commitIndexBuild
- Closed
SERVER-39484 Add step-up and step-down state transition logic to simul index builds
- Closed
SERVER-44121 allow Index builds to opt out of the PBWM on primaries
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-44397 index build continues to enforce constraints after failing over from primary to secondary
- Closed
SERVER-44190 Adapt hybrid_index_build_on_state_transition.js to work with two phase index builds
- Closed
SERVER-44198 Complete TODO listed in SERVER-39484
- Closed
SERVER-44654 allow unique index builds to continue running on stepdown
- Closed