As a consequence of the changes in SERVER-44796 if you start a mongod with the engine=inMemory you get duplicate startup warnings and the one about the journal may be confusing:
2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** WARNING: This replica set node is running without journaling enabled but the 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault option to the replica set config 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** is set to true. The writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** option to the replica set config must be set to false 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** or w:majority write concerns will never complete. 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** In addition, this node's memory consumption may increase until all 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** available free RAM is exhausted. 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** WARNING: This replica set node is using in-memory (ephemeral) storage with the 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault option to the replica set config 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** set to true. The writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault option to the 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** replica set config must be set to false 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** or w:majority write concerns will never complete. 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** In addition, this node's memory consumption may increase until all 2020-02-05T18:07:30.855+0000 I REPL [conn36] ** available free RAM is exhausted.
Can we suppress the first warning shown in my example when using engine=inMemory to avoid confusion?
- related to
SERVER-44796 Adjust nojournal startup warning to be more compelling
- Closed