Implement rotateCertificates command - see src/mongo/db/commands/drop_connections.idl and drop_connections_command.cpp for template
Make a copy of each file and update for rotate certificates
Put file in src/mongo/db/commands
Add files to “servers” target in SConscript file, see drop_connections example
Add new action rotateCertificates in src/mongo/db/auth/action_type.h
Add to AuthorizationBuiltinRoles in src/mongo/db/auth/role_graph_builtin_roles.cpp
Add to jstests/auth/lib/commands_lib.js
- is depended on by
SERVER-49133 Implement Rotate for Openssl
- Closed
SERVER-49134 Implement Rotate for Windows
- Closed
SERVER-49135 Implement Rotate for Apple
- Closed
SERVER-49136 Add shell helper for rotate command
- Closed