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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-49526

configsvrReshardCollection should calculate new initial split points

    • Fully Compatible
    • Sharding 2020-08-10, Sharding 2020-08-24, Sharding 2020-11-16, Sharding 2020-11-30, Sharding 2020-12-14, Sharding 2020-12-28, Sharding 2021-01-11, Sharding 2021-01-25, Sharding 2021-02-22, Sharding 2021-03-08, Sharding 2021-03-22, Sharding 2021-04-05
    • 2

      The config server needs to create new initial split points using the ReshardingSplitPolicy. There are two options:

      1. configsvrReshardCollection does this and passes the generated chunks to the resharding coordinator using setInitialChunksAndZones. If we go this route we must avoid generating new initial chunks if we're retrying configsvrReshardCollection and a ReshardingCoordinatorService already exists on disk.
      2. The coordinator does this as a part of _init(). This mean we only pass zones with setInitialChunksAndZones, unless we are in a test environment and need to pass the preset chunks.

            randolph@mongodb.com Randolph Tan
            janna.golden@mongodb.com Janna Golden
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
