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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-52801

Implement a local drop on resharding donors

    • Fully Compatible
    • Sharding 2020-12-14
    • 1


      Since a drop from the DonorStateMachine can happen concurrently with a rename from a RecipientStateMachine on the same node, there's no inherent guarantee of ordering. Thus, there can be two scenarios that the drop functionality can find itself in:

      1. If the renameCollection with dropTarget=true happens first, then the drop would see <database>.<collection> has a UUID of reshardingUUID.
      2. If the drop happens first, the drop would see <database>.<collection> has a UUID of existingUUID.


      1. If the rename happens first and the collection has a UUID of reshardingUUID, this means that the rename already took care of the drop (via dropTarget=true) and the DonorStateMachine can successfully transition to kDone without taking any action.
      2. If the drop happens first and the collection has a UUID of existingUUID, the DonorStateMachine can drop the local collection. This is fine, because when the rename happens afterwards, the rename's dropTarget piece will end up being a no-op.

            blake.oler@mongodb.com Blake Oler
            blake.oler@mongodb.com Blake Oler
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