Time-series collection creation performs two operations under the hood:
- Create the buckets collection.
- Create the view definition on the buckets collection.
This all happens under one WriteUnitOfWork here. In that WUOW, there's an issue with the view definition creation part. Below are the order of operations for this WUOW to give a better idea.
1. start_transaction 2. setTimestamp(1) <--- https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/760ecda9059f3043498c2cd5106c8307344f756e/src/mongo/db/catalog/database_impl.cpp#L681 ---> 3. createCollection (the buckets collection) 4. generate oplog entry via onCreateCollection at Timestamp(1) 5. Insert the view definition into the 'system.views' collection <--- untimestamped ---> 6. generate oplog entry via onInserts at Timestamp(2) 7. commit_transaction
Because the insert statement at (5) wasn't timestamped, it uses the last set commit timestamp, Timestamp(1) in this case. When the oplog entry was generated at (6), the oplog reserved the next available slot for the entry at Timestamp(2).
This means we committed the view definition at Timestamp(1) and its associated oplog entry at Timestamp(2).
A concurrency workload detected this issue when dbHash failed with a mismatch.
The oplog entries for the concurrency workload were the following:
1. T227 drop the view definition for the bucket (create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0) 2. T228 drop bucket (create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0) 3. T229 create bucket (create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0) 4. T230-T234 operations for another thread in the workload run <--- this gap is important to detect the dbHash mismatch ---> 5. T235 create the view definition for the bucket (create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0)
dbHash ran and opened a storage snapshot at T230 while the view definition should not have existed yet, but it did on the primary node. The secondary had the correct state though. Because of the issue described in this ticket, the view definition came into life at T229.
Primary running dbHash: [ReplicaSetFixture:job0:primary] {"t":{"$date":"2021-03-02T20:47:09.435+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":0, "ctx":"conn59","msg":"dbHash snapshot","attr":{"snapshot":"Timestamp(1614718029, 230)"}} [ReplicaSetFixture:job0:primary] {"t":{"$date":"2021-03-02T20:47:09.435+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":0, "ctx":"conn59","msg":"dbHash saw","attr":{"doc":{"_id":"test0_fsmdb0.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0","viewOn":"system.buckets.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_0","pipeline":[{"$_internalUnpackBucket":{"timeField":"time","exclude":[]}}],"timeseries":{"timeField":"time"}}}} [ReplicaSetFixture:job0:primary] {"t":{"$date":"2021-03-02T20:47:09.435+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":0, "ctx":"conn59","msg":"dbHash saw","attr":{"doc":{"_id":"test0_fsmdb0.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_1","viewOn":"system.buckets.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_1","pipeline":[{"$_internalUnpackBucket":{"timeField":"time","exclude":[]}}],"timeseries":{"timeField":"time"}}}} Secondary running dbHash: [ReplicaSetFixture:job0:secondary] {"t":{"$date":"2021-03-02T20:47:09.436+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":0, "ctx":"conn30","msg":"dbHash snapshot","attr":{"snapshot":"Timestamp(1614718029, 230)"}} [ReplicaSetFixture:job0:secondary] {"t":{"$date":"2021-03-02T20:47:09.436+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"COMMAND", "id":0, "ctx":"conn30","msg":"dbHash saw","attr":{"doc":{"_id":"test0_fsmdb0.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_1","viewOn":"system.buckets.create_timeseries_collection_fsmcoll0_1","pipeline":[{"$_internalUnpackBucket":{"timeField":"time","exclude":[]}}],"timeseries":{"timeField":"time"}}}}
- causes
SERVER-56286 Create timeseries bucket collection need to check if we are writable primary
- Closed
- is duplicated by
SERVER-54668 Fail time-series collection creation if the corresponding buckets namespace already exists
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-67736 Create time-series view and bucket collection in one storage transaction
- Backlog
- related to
SERVER-54899 Pass in point-in-time value used for getHashesUsingSessions() into getCollectionDiffUsingSessions()
- Closed
SERVER-55909 Prevent a single WUOW from writing multiple oplog entries by default
- Backlog