Uploaded image for project: 'Core Server'
  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-56066

[sbe][sharding] Fix numeric path component check for $ne

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 5.0.0-rc0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Querying, Sharding
    • None
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • Query Execution 2021-04-19, Query Execution 2021-05-03

      Task Link

      The test runs this aggregate command:

      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] ----
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] testing command {
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 	"mapReduce" : "foo",
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 	"map" : function() {
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest]                 emit(this.x, 1);
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest]             },
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 	"reduce" : function(key, values) {
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest]                 return Array.sum(values);
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest]             },
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 	"out" : {
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 		"inline" : 1
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] 	}
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] }
      [js_test:safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete] [jsTest] ----

      We expect that there's exactly one operation in the profiler matching this query:

              "command.shardVersion" : {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                      "$exists" : true 
              "command.shardVersion.0" : {
                      "$ne" : Timestamp(0, 0)
              "command.shardVersion.1" : {
                      "$ne" : ObjectId("00000000ffffffffffffffff")
              "command.$readPreference" : {
                      "mode" : "secondary"
              "command.readConcern" : {
                      "level" : "local"
              "errCode" : {
                      "$ne" : 13388
              "command.aggregate" : "foo"

      However, the profiler has two matching aggregate commands out of four entries total (two aggregates, a getMore, and the find itself on system.profile).

      Here's the first aggregate for the mapreduce command:

                      "op" : "command",
                      "ns" : "test.foo",
                      "command" : {
                              "aggregate" : "foo",
                              "pipeline" : [
                                              "$project" : {
                                                      "emits" : {
                                                              "$_internalJsEmit" : {
                                                                      "eval" : "function() {\n                emit(this.x, 1);\n            }",
                                                                      "this" : "$$ROOT"
                                                      "_id" : false
                                              "$unwind" : {
                                                      "path" : "$emits"
                                              "$group" : {
                                                      "_id" : "$emits.k",
                                                      "value" : {
                                                              "$_internalJsReduce" : {
                                                                      "data" : "$emits",
                                                                      "eval" : "function(key, values) {\n                return Array.sum(values);\n            }"
                              "cursor" : {
                                      "batchSize" : 0
                              "allowDiskUse" : true,
                              "fromMongos" : true,
                              "let" : {
                                      "IS_MR" : true,
                                      "NOW" : ISODate("2021-04-12T22:19:31.033Z"),
                                      "CLUSTER_TIME" : Timestamp(1618265970, 87)
                              "isMapReduceCommand" : true,
                              "$queryOptions" : {
                                      "$readPreference" : {
                                              "mode" : "secondary"
                              "readConcern" : {
                                      "level" : "local"
                              "needsMerge" : true,
      // etc...

      The other aggregate command is a $mergeCursors:

                      "op" : "command",
                      "ns" : "test.foo",
                      "command" : {
                              "aggregate" : "foo",
                              "pipeline" : [
                                              "$mergeCursors" : {
                                                      "lsid" : {
                                                              "id" : UUID("16770975-1dd1-4392-b907-948771436821"),
                                                              "uid" : BinData(0,"47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=")
                                                      "compareWholeSortKey" : false,
                                                      "remotes" : [
                                                                      "shardId" : "safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete-rs0",
                                                                      "hostAndPort" : "ip-10-122-47-239.ec2.internal:21521",
                                                                      "cursorResponse" : {
                                                                              "cursor" : {
                                                                                      "id" : NumberLong("2479107308808163874"),
                                                                                      "ns" : "test.foo",
                                                                                      "firstBatch" : [ ]
                                                                              "ok" : 1
                                                                      "shardId" : "safe_secondary_reads_single_migration_waitForDelete-rs1",
                                                                      "hostAndPort" : "ip-10-122-47-239.ec2.internal:21523",
                                                                      "cursorResponse" : {
                                                                              "cursor" : {
                                                                                      "id" : NumberLong("497587830264602086"),
                                                                                      "ns" : "test.foo",
                                                                                      "firstBatch" : [ ]
                                                                              "ok" : 1
                                                      "tailableMode" : "normal",
                                                      "nss" : "test.foo",
                                                      "allowPartialResults" : false,
                                                      "recordRemoteOpWaitTime" : true
                                              "$group" : {
                                                      "_id" : "$$ROOT._id",
                                                      "value" : {
                                                              "$_internalJsReduce" : {
                                                                      "data" : "$$ROOT.value",
                                                                      "eval" : "function(key, values) {\n                return Array.sum(values);\n            }"
                                                      "$doingMerge" : true

      The full output is very large so full logs are attached to the ticket in their entirety.

            mihai.andrei@mongodb.com Mihai Andrei
            kyle.suarez@mongodb.com Kyle Suarez
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
