When the RRFaM behavior is enabled:
- A primary executing the update can add an update to the SessionTxnRecord within the same WUOW.
- A secondary applying the update can also add an update to the SessionTxnRecord within the same WUOW.
- Right now the UpdateResult does not return the pre/post image. This ticket should expose that API.
- However the update predicate must include the clause: `{txnNum: {$lt: <updated txnNum>`}}.
- Remove noop oplog entry writes for FaM updates
- Take care to leave the upsert path alone (pre/post images are already trivially replicated)
- Collections configured to always store preImages must continue to write noop pre-image oplog entries.
- A findAndModify against these collections should avoid also saving the preImage into a config.transactions document.
- is duplicated by
SERVER-56584 [RRFaM] Create IDL for `config.image_collection` documents.
- Closed