m30999| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn1] DROP: test.jstests_count6 m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] CMD: drop test.jstests_count6 m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] build index test.jstests_count6 { _id: 1 } m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] info: creating collection test.jstests_count6 on add index m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs m30001| Sun May 27 06:25:39 [conn13] build index test.jstests_count6 { b: 1.0, a: 1.0 } Error("Printing Stack Trace")@:0 ()@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37 ("[1] != [0] are not equal : undefined")@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:58 (1,0)@src/mongo/shell/utils.js:88 assert: [1] != [0] are not equal : undefined checkCounts([object Object],2)@jstests/count6.js:23 @jstests/count6.js:58 [1] != [0] are not equal : undefined Sun May 27 06:25:39 Error: error loading js file: jstests/count6.js /Users/erh/work/buildbot/OS_X_105_64bit_Nightly/mongo/jstests/slowNightly/sharding_passthrough.js:84 checkCountForObject([object Object])@jstests/count6.js:39 failed to load: /Users/erh/work/buildbot/OS_X_105_64bit_Nightly/mongo/jstests/slowNightly/sharding_passthrough.js
- related to
SERVER-5903 pass limit to sharded count
- Closed