Summary: accessing an array field is ~15-30% slower in SBE compared to the classical engine.
Create a collection that contains 10^6 documents like:
{ scalar: Random.randInt(10), array: [Random.randInt(10), Random.randInt(10), Random.randInt(10)], }Let the collection have namespace of "sbe-perf.LS". From mongo shell run against the collection two benchmarks:
{{benchRun({parallel: 1, seconds: 5, ops: [{op:"find", ns:"sbe-perf.LS", query: {scalar:7}, readCmd: true}]})}}
"queryLatencyAverageMicros" : 434161.6666666667,
"totalOps" : NumberLong(12),
"totalOps/s" : 2.3032541141876615,
benchRun({parallel: 1, seconds: 5, ops: [{op:"find", ns:"sbe-perf.LS", query: {array:7}, readCmd: true}]})
"queryLatencyAverageMicros" : 872580.1666666666,
"totalOps" : NumberLong(6),
"totalOps/s" : 1.1460142483951503,
The second benchRun is twice as slow. While we do expect the array access to be slower, the drop in SBE is much bigger than in the classic engine. For the classic engine the numbers are respectively:
"queryLatencyAverageMicros" : 419583.25,
"totalOps" : NumberLong(12),
"totalOps/s" : 2.3832732351265875,
"queryLatencyAverageMicros" : 657760,
"totalOps" : NumberLong(8),
"totalOps/s" : 1.5202920024849174,
The top 10 consumers of CPU in SBE
+ 15.99% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::vm::ByteCode::runInternal
{{ + 8.10% mongod [.] __wt_txn_read_upd_list_internal}}
{{ + 7.47% mongod [.] __wt_btcur_next_prefix}}
{{ + 4.92% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::ProjectStage::getNext}}
{{ + 4.08% mongod [.] mongo::WiredTigerRecordStoreCursorBase::next}}
{{ + 3.70% mongod [.] __wt_cursor_get_valuev}}
{{ + 3.42% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::vm::ByteCode::run}}
{{ + 3.38% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::ScanStage::getNext}}
{{ + 3.34% mongod [.] __unpack_read}}
{{ + 3.03% mongod [.] __wt_cursor_get_keyv}}
+ 21.13% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::vm::ByteCode::runInternal
+ 5.97% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::vm::ByteCode::run
+ 4.49% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::ProjectStage::getNext
+ 4.44% [.] __strlen_avx2
+ 4.32% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::TraverseStage::traverse
+ 4.27% mongod [.] __wt_btcur_next_prefix
+ 3.93% mongod [.] __wt_txn_read_upd_list_internal
+ 2.40% mongod [.] mongo::sbe::vm::ByteCode::getField
+ 2.28% mongod [.] __wt_cursor_get_valuev
+ 2.02% mongod [.] mongo::WiredTigerRecordStoreCursorBase::next
Flame graphs are attached.
- depends on
SERVER-60718 Access of sub-fields is slow in SBE queries
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-66457 Large $elemMatch queries are slow in SBE
- Closed