I am running MongoDB v.4.4.0 on Linux CentOS 7. I am having trouble setting up the YAML config file for for security and authorization. When I have the below config file I only receive an error saying "Unrecognized option: security.ldap.servers". What is wrong with my config?
systemLog: destination: file path: "/home/mongo/mongodb/logs/mongod.log" logAppend: true storage: dbPath: "/home/mongo/mongodb/data/db" net: bindIp: localhost, port: 27017 security: # authorization: enabled ldap: servers: "ldap" bind: queryUser: user queryPassword: pass transportSecurity: none userToDNMapping: '[{match: "(.+)", ldapQuery: "o=int,c=com?uid?sub?userPrincipalName={0}@ldap.xxx.com"}]' authz: queryTemplate: '{USER}?memberOf?base' setParameter: authenticationMechanisms: 'PLAIN,SCRAM-SHA-1'