Resolution: Works as Designed
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Query Execution
QE 2023-06-12
How are you using Mongo? What version of the server and driver are you using?
MongoDB 6.0
MongoDB NodeJS Driver 5.1
What is the feature/improvement you would like?
When documents are upserted, insert them exactly as specified in other words maintain the position of each field.
What use case would this feature/improvement enable?
More pleasant documents that fit the form I want it to as well as requiring less function calls to the server to replicate the desired behavior
Code example:
const task = { kind: 'repeating', name: options.name, repeatsEvery: options.repeatsEvery, error: null, startsAt: nextRunAt, lastFinishedAt: null, lastFailedAt: null, lockedAt: null, createdAt: now, updatedAt: now }; /* const exists = await _collection.findOne({ name: options.name }); if (exists) { // We don't use upsert because we want to maintain the positions of each field await _collection.updateOne({ _id: exists._id }, { $set: task }); } else { await _collection.insertOne(task); } */ await collection.updateOne({ name: options.name }, { $set: task }, { upsert: true }); // Produces: const generated = { _id: { $oid: '63fc0358c071ce978101c877' }, name: 'add_two_single_tasks', createdAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460312226' } }, error: null, kind: 'repeating', lastFailedAt: null, lastFinishedAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460327252' } }, lockedAt: null, repeatsEvery: 5000, startsAt: null, updatedAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460327252' } } }; // Instead of: const desired = { _id: { $oid: '63fc0578591cc70ce3f9665e' }, kind: 'repeating', name: 'add_two_single_tasks', repeatsEvery: 5000, error: null, startsAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460866287' } }, lastFinishedAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460861287' } }, lastFailedAt: null, lockedAt: null, createdAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460856262' } }, updatedAt: { $date: { $numberLong: '1677460861287' } } };
- related to
SERVER-76705 Fields are reordered alphabetically by key when editing an existing document
- Closed