The oplog starting in version 2.2.1 seemed to get a new format when updates are performed containing $set operations. This new format creates BSON documents in the rs.oplog collection where the $set key is included for each $set operation, whereas in versions prior to 2.2.1 there would only be a single $set key in the document and a subdocument would describe all the fields to be set. Since there are multiple $set keys, most drivers cannot parse these oplog documents, and will get exceptions while iterating through the oplog query results that contain any update operation with multiple $set updates.
Here is an example for creating the malformed oplog entries on a new 2.2.1 or 2.2.2 system:
rs0:PRIMARY>{_id:"unique-id-1234", "aaa":"0000", "bbb": "1111"}) rs0:PRIMARY> db.mycoll.update({_id:"unique-id-1234"}, {$set:{"aaa":"1234","bbb":"7654"}}) rs0:PRIMARY> use local rs0:PRIMARY> { "ts" : Timestamp(1353099630000, 1), "h" : NumberLong(0), "v" : 2, "op" : "n", "ns" : "", "o" : { "msg" : "initiating set" } } { "ts" : Timestamp(1353099716000, 1), "h" : NumberLong("6562103115049336849"), "v" : 2, "op" : "i", "ns" : "sample.mycoll", "o" : { "_id" : "unique-id-1234", "aaa" : "0000", "bbb" : "1111" } } { "ts" : Timestamp(1353099904000, 1), "h" : NumberLong("-7902296395036453900"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "sample.mycoll", "o2" : { "_id" : "unique-id-1234" }, "o" : { "$set" : { "aaa" : "1234" }, "$set" : { "aaa" : "1234" } } }
You will notice the "o" subdocument contains two "$set" keys, and drivers can't handle this new format. In prior versions, including 2.2.0, I would see this type of oplog entry when performing a update on a document, setting multiple fields:
{ "ts" : Timestamp(1353074108000, 3), "h" : NumberLong("-3950642131243057651"), "op" : "u", "ns" : "mydb.mycollection", "o2" : { "_id" : "my-unique-id-1234" }, "o" : { "$set" : { "aaa" : "1234", "bbb" : "2345", "ccc" : "3456", "ddd" : "4567", "eee" : "5678", "fff" : "6789", "ggg" : "7890", "hhh" : "asdf" } } }
If it is helpful, here is the entire conversation in context.
- duplicates
SERVER-1606 Oplog entries contain repeated fields ($set)
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-1606 Oplog entries contain repeated fields ($set)
- Closed