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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-80854

Remove featureFlagUnsplittableCollectionOnNonPrimaryShards after PM-3229 work on the catalog is finished

    • Sharding EMEA
    • Fully Compatible
    • Sharding EMEA 2023-10-30, CAR Team 2023-11-13

      Currently we have a feature flag that when disabled prevent all the work in PM-3364 to fully take effect, specifically, when disabled, we don't allow unsplittable collections to live in non primary shards.

      This behavior is transient, while PM-3364 dependent work is completed and queries can use the information of the single chunk on unsplittable collections to route queries. Once we have full compatibility, we can completely remove the feature flag, and leave the desired behavior (allow unsplittable collections to live in non primary shards) to be the default behavior.

            allison.easton@mongodb.com Allison Easton
            marcos.grillo@mongodb.com Marcos José Grillo Ramirez
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
