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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-82067

Investigate `createdCollectionAutomatically` field from createIndexes command

    • Catalog and Routing

      The createIndexes command returns a field called `createdCollectionAutomatically` which is set to true if the createIndexes command had to implicitly create the collection before creating the index.

      After the changes in SERVER-80372, this field will not be set to true outside of direct connections because implicit collection creation is being handled by the mongos rather than the shard and so the shard is unaware of the implicit creation.

      In this ticket, we should investigate whether this field is still useful and whether it needs to be preserved.

      If it does, then we should add logic to the error handling in the mongos for commands to ensure that this field is added if the mongos implicitly created the collection.

            backlog-server-catalog-and-routing [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Catalog and Routing
            allison.easton@mongodb.com Allison Easton
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