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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-8366

mongoToV8Object crashes when converting from Native functions

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Critical - P2 Critical - P2
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.3.2
    • Component/s: JavaScript, Shell
    • None
    • ALL
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      { a : ObjectId }

      ) //note the ObjectId is missing the brackets

      >db.a.drop() >db.a.insert( { a : ObjectId } ) //note the ObjectId is missing the brackets >db.a.find()

      If you insert a type of [native code] rather than the actual object, you will get a stack trace when trying to find()

      Steps to reproduce:

      >db.a.insert( { a : ObjectId } ) //note the ObjectId is missing the parens

      will return the following stack trace:

      Mon Jan 28 18:22:36.764 terminate() called in shell, printing stack:
      0x103ca22db 0x103bba85f 0x7fff95f783f5 0x7fff95f78450 0x7fff95f795b7 0x103c7d90d 0x103c7d96d 0x103c681ad 0x103c7031f 0x103c6d134 0x103ea36ac 0x103ea3112 0x103ee9402 0x1b7f14506362 0x1b7f1451701e 
       0   mongo                               0x0000000103ca22db _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43
       1   mongo                               0x0000000103bba85f _Z11myterminatev + 79
       2   libc++abi.dylib                     0x00007fff95f783f5 _ZL19safe_handler_callerPFvvE + 8
       3   libc++abi.dylib                     0x00007fff95f78450 __cxa_bad_typeid + 0
       4   libc++abi.dylib                     0x00007fff95f795b7 _ZL23__gxx_exception_cleanup19_Unwind_Reason_CodeP17_Unwind_Exception + 0
       5   mongo                               0x0000000103c7d90d _ZN5mongo9uassertedEiPKc + 269
       6   mongo                               0x0000000103c7d96d _ZN5mongo9uassertedEiRKSs + 29
       7   mongo                               0x0000000103c681ad _ZN5mongo7V8Scope11newFunctionEPKc + 493
       8   mongo                               0x0000000103c7031f _ZN5mongo7V8Scope16mongoToV8ElementERKNS_11BSONElementEb + 159
       9   mongo                               0x0000000103c6d134 _ZN5mongoL8namedGetEN2v85LocalINS0_6StringEEERKNS0_12AccessorInfoE + 500
       10  mongo                               0x0000000103ea36ac _ZN2v88internal8JSObject35GetPropertyAttributeWithInterceptorEPS1_PNS0_6StringEb + 822
       11  mongo                               0x0000000103ea3112 _ZN2v88internal10JSReceiver32GetPropertyAttributeWithReceiverEPS1_PNS0_6StringE + 252
       12  mongo                               0x0000000103ee9402 _ZN2v88internal19Runtime_HasPropertyENS0_9ArgumentsEPNS0_7IsolateE + 114
       13  ???                                 0x00001b7f14506362 0x0 + 30232615609186
       14  ???                                 0x00001b7f1451701e 0x0 + 30232615677982

      mongoexport of that record looks like:

      mongoexport -d test -c a
      connected to:
      { "_id" : { "$oid" : "5107077784a4325090d550ec" }, "a" : function ObjectId() { [native code] } }

      The same is true for other [native code] types tried (NumberLong for example)

            benjamin.becker Ben Becker (Inactive)
            andre.defrere@mongodb.com Andre de Frere
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
