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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-83975

Limited support for $lookup on block values

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Query Execution

      For the case where $lookup can be implemented using an hash lookup, a pipeline like

      db.tt.explain().aggregate([{$project: {time: 1, a: 1}},{$group: {_id: "$a"}},{$lookup: {from: "coll", localField: "a", foreignField:"n1", as: "blah"}}])

      (where 'tt' is a timeseries collection and 'coll' is the external collection), the plan is in the form

      [4] hash_lookup [s27 = addToArray(s12)] 
          outer s19 
              [4] nlj inner [s11] [s11] 
                      [3] mkobj s11 [_id = s10] true false 
                      [3] group [s10] [] 
                      [3] project [s10 = (s8 ?: null)] 
                      [2] block_to_row blocks[s4, s5, s6] row[s7, s8, s9] 
                      [2] ts_bucket_to_cellblock s2 pathReqs[s4 = Get(_id)/Id, s5 = Get(a)/Id, s6 = Get(time)/Id] 
                      [1] scan s2 s3 none none none none none none lowPriority [] @\"711564fb-1a4b-48ee-9ab7-02b1a62761c9\" true false 
                      [4] project [s19 = 
                          if isArrayEmpty(s17) 
                          then [null] 
                          else s17 
                      [4] group [] [s17 = addToSet(s15)] spillSlots[s18] mergingExprs[aggSetUnion(s18)] 
                      [4] unwind s15 s16 s14 true 
                      [4] project [s14 = getField(s11, \"a\")] 
                      [4] limit 1 
                      [4] coscan 
          inner s25 [s12] 
              [4] nlj inner [s12] [s12] 
                      [4] scan s12 s13 none none none none none none [] @\"99aad589-95ef-45ee-a798-f1a4fe541b80\" true false 
                      [4] group [] [s25 = addToSet(s24)] spillSlots[s26] mergingExprs[aggSetUnion(s26)] 
                      [4] nlj inner [] [s20] 
                              [4] project [s20 = (getField(s12, \"n1\") ?: null)] 
                              [4] limit 1 
                              [4] coscan 
                              [4] branch {isArray(s20)} [s24] 
                              [s23] [4] union [s23] 
                                  branch0 [s21] 
                                      [4] unwind s21 s22 s20 true 
                                      [4] limit 1 
                                      [4] coscan 
                                  branch1 [s20] 
                                      [4] limit 1 
                                      [4] coscan 
                              [s20] [4] limit 1 
                              [4] coscan 

      This task would change the stage builder so that:
      1. the left branch of the first nlj stage (the one coming from processing the query solution node [3]) projects the block values rather than doing the block_to_row + mkobj
      2. the right branch of the same nlj uses the ApplyPipelineStage from SERVER-83974 to run the subpipeline on top of each item and organize the results in a new block value having the same number of items of the block values generated by the left branch

      The hash_lookup stage (modified by SERVER-83970) would at this point consume the inner branch as usual into a hash table, and recognize that the outer branch has produced block values and process its items, generating a block value holding the probed values in the matching positions

            Unassigned Unassigned
            alberto.massari@mongodb.com Alberto Massari
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