Although there are a lot of benchmarks with varying projection types and complexity, all are over relatively small collections. In mongo-perf:
WideProjectionTopLevelField (inclusion, exclusion, 9 projections, 10K documents)
WideProjectionNestedField (nested field inclusion, exclusion, 9 projections)
For all of the bellow: single projection with dotted path of length 3 or 6, 10K documents:
FindProjectionThreeFields (3 projections, 100 docs)
ProjectInclude_CollScan_LS ( 8 projections, 10-field 100K documents)
ProjectInclude_CollScan_LL (8 projections, 23-field 100K documents)
ProjectExclude_CollScan_LL (8 projections, 23-field 100K documents)
ProjectNoExpressions_CollScan_LS( 8 projections with renaming of fields, 10-field 100K)
ProjectNoExpressions_CollScan_LL( 8 projections with renaming of fields, 23-field 100K)
We will need to extend the existing mongo-perf tests to run for three different cardinalities: 100/1000, 10K/100K, and 1M documents. The small cardinality collections are useful to emphasize the optimization time in the metrics.
- For queries over 10K/100K add cardinalities of 100 and 1M documents.
- For queries over 100 documents add cardinalities of 10K and 1M documents.
- is depended on by
SERVER-84088 Tag new collscan workloads and add them to the Bonsai dashboard
- Closed
SERVER-84398 Collscan benchmarks - high-cardinality projections: inclusive, exclusive, and dotted paths
- Closed