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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-85485

Fix legacy geo re-parsing for query stats.

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v7.3
    • 45

      BF-31401: Legacy geometry queries. Legacy geometry filters allow specifying a coordinate point as an embedded object, not specifying a type. The only constraint is that it must have two fields, and the first one is numeric, then it will be parsed in this manner.
      For example:

      location: { 
            "$geoIntersects": {
                              "foo": 123,
                              "blah": 1.3

      "foo" is interpreted as the x-coordinate and "blah" as the y-coordinate.

      BF-31462: $nearSphere filter with embedded object, which does not specify a type.

      {location: {$nearSphere:{coordinates:[0,0]}}}

      The geo parser code, as mentioned in previous bugs, does not check the type of the implicit geometry embedded subobject, and always parses as a geoJSONPoint.

            santiago.roche@mongodb.com Santiago Roche
            santiago.roche@mongodb.com Santiago Roche
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