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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-86298

Query Stats 7.0 Backport Batch #3

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 7.0.6
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Fully Compatible
    • 135


      SERVER-76866 change TODO ticket number
      SERVER-76557: Keep RequestShapifiers in telemetry store
      SERVER-76143 Add missing find command fields to queryStats key
      SERVER-75512 key telemetry store on hash rather than BSONObj
      SERVER-76947 shapify $search and $backupCursorExtend
      SERVER-76947 remove unimplemented tassert for $cursor shapification
      SERVER-76427: Rename $telemetry to $queryStats
      SERVER-76531: Test that mongos does not collect telemetry for queryable encryption collections
      SERVER-76427 Rename $telemetry to $queryStats
      SERVER-76042 Avoid re-parsing for the purpose of telemetry
      SERVER-73152: Aggregation shapification for query stats
      SERVER-73152: Aggregation shapification for query stats
      SERVER-75597 Include 'crs' in geo serialization with queryStats options
      SERVER-76919 add gen command fields to queryStats key
      SERVER-77350: Update query stats sampling rate parameter name
      SERVER-77350: Update query stats sampling rate parameter name
      SERVER-76555 Stress-test $queryStats in core passthrough
      SERVER-77407 uassert on BSONObj or string for $hint field in queryShape
      SERVER-77430 Allow coordinates" to be optional"
      SERVER-77485 Avoid unnecessary ExpressionContext re-construction
      SERVER-77190 Include the whole client metadata in telemetry key, not just appName
      SERVER-77190 Include the whole client metadata in telemetry key, not just appName
      SERVER-77626 Exclude test checking opcounters from queryStats suite
      SERVER-77179: Update $queryStats parameters

            erin.zhu@mongodb.com Erin Zhu
            erin.zhu@mongodb.com Erin Zhu
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
