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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-90499

Be more explicit about the need to turn off autoCompact before being able to reconfigure it

    • RSS Sydney
    • Fully Compatible
    • v8.0
    • RSS Sydney - 2024-06-11

      Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB:1, runOnce: false })
      MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument

      Tried leaving out "runOnce"

      Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1})
      MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument

      The option is correct - if I change the option name it correctly tells me that option doesn't exist

      Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMb: 1, runOnce: false })
      MongoServerError[IDLUnknownField]: BSON field 'autoCompact.freeSpaceTargetMb' is an unknown field.

      Tried other values

      Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.runCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1024, runOnce: false })
      MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument

      Tried adminCommand (which should be the same as runCommand against the admin database, but just in case)

      Atlas atlas-ktz9lc-shard-0 [direct: primary] admin> db.adminCommand( { autoCompact: true, freeSpaceTargetMB: 1})
      MongoServerError[BadValue]: WiredTigerKVEngine::autoCompact() 22: Invalid argument

      Not sure how to actually change this from the default.

            clarisse.cheah@mongodb.com Clarisse Cheah
            joanna.cheng@mongodb.com Joanna Cheng
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
