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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-935

Sharding gridfs on chunks - files_id eventually crashes the server

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 1.5.1
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Sharding
    • None

      using nightly build from Sept 18th, 2009

      I created 3 shard servers, 1 config server and I added a blobstore database where I enabled sharding, and sharded on blobstore.fs.chunks keys on files_id (_id didn't work due to another error, see other JIRA)

      Eventually at some point, it hits a file that causes:

      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10554
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9ff2f2265629a0a19), root: "fs" }
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10555
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10556
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9e035913b6dceb4b0), root: "fs" }
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10557
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9d78b4d652dc7904f), root: "fs" }
      ERROR: MessagingPort::call() wrong id got:1 expect:499755046
        response msgid:3636897828
        response len:  1048660
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29   Assertion failure false util/message.cpp 365
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 bad recv() len: -405573500
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 Assertion: dbclient error communicating with server
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 UserException: dbclient error communicating with server
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      0x100052ff4 0x100058b5d 0x1000567b2 0x1000a0030 0x1000aa304 0x1000bf179 0x1000c3432 0x10009b6e3 0x1000f4564 0x7fff8681bf8e 0x7fff8681be41 
       0   mongos                              0x0000000100052ff4 _ZN5mongo12sayDbContextEPKc + 260
       1   mongos                              0x0000000100058b5d _ZN5mongo8assertedEPKcS1_j + 317
       2   mongos                              0x00000001000567b2 _ZN5mongo13MessagingPort4callERNS_7MessageES2_ + 562
       3   mongos                              0x00000001000a0030 _ZN5mongo8Strategy7doQueryERNS_7RequestESs + 256
       4   mongos                              0x00000001000aa304 _ZN5mongo14SingleStrategy7queryOpERNS_7RequestE + 1220
       5   mongos                              0x00000001000bf179 _ZN5mongo7Request7processEi + 649
       6   mongos                              0x00000001000c3432 _ZN5mongo21ShardedMessageHandler7processERNS_7MessageEPNS_21AbstractMessagingPortE + 258
       7   mongos                              0x000000010009b6e3 _ZN5mongo3pms9threadRunEv + 131
       8   mongos                              0x00000001000f4564 thread_proxy + 132
       9   libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff8681bf8e _pthread_start + 331
       10  libSystem.B.dylib                   0x00007fff8681be41 thread_start + 13
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10558
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9ad8ef1524d763fc4), root: "fs" }
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10559
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a96ed280225a2a3986), root: "fs" }
      ==> ./logs/db-blobstore-shard-2.log <==
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 should have chunk: 0 have:-2147483648
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 User Exception chunks out of order
      ==> ./logs/mongos-blobstore.log <==
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10560
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9317d2858689a9c15), root: "fs" }
      ==> ./logs/db-blobstore-shard-2.log <==
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 should have chunk: 0 have:-2147483648
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 User Exception chunks out of order
      ==> ./logs/mongos-blobstore.log <==
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 end connection
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 connection accepted from #10561
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 passing through unknown command: filemd5 { filemd5: ObjId(4b04f6a9a524a1182abb16a2), root: "fs" }
      ==> ./logs/db-blobstore-shard-2.log <==
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 should have chunk: 0 have:-2147483648
      Wed Nov 18 23:41:29 User Exception chunks out of order

            mathias@mongodb.com Mathias Stearn
            jminard Jayson Minard
            2 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
