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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-96205

Kick out bazel_workstation_unittests to suggested build variants

    • Replication
    • Fully Compatible
    • Repl 2024-11-11

      This variant can sometimes take too long. it runs a full build along with build and running the unittests in a single task.

      We should split the unittest tasks up to separate tasks. Essentially the changes would be, changing the "bazel_workstation_unittests" task targets from "install-all archive-all prove-unittests" on the existing task to just "install-dist-test" and then adding the "compile_test_parallel_unittest_stream_TG" task group to the variant's tasks.

      Edit: kicking this out of patch builds is the way we're going for now. Later on, informed by more data, we can decide to bring it back if we see it negatively affecting cache warming etc.

            vishnu.kaushik@mongodb.com Vishnu Kaushik
            daniel.moody@mongodb.com Daniel Moody
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            6 Start watching this issue
