Type: Task
Resolution: Unresolved
Priority: Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Query Integration
$lookup doesn't include any details about its subpipeline in the explain output. More concretely, its serialize function returns the stored _userPipeline which is the pipeline prior to any optimizations/view resolution. In other words, $search will not be desugared and therefore DocumentSourceInternalSearchIdLookup::serialize(), which publicizies the view transforms for mongot pipelines, will never be invoked. This is relevant for testing SPM-3672 because we cannot examine the explain output for the view transforms for $lookup.$search when the inner coll is a view - because again, the view transforms will not be present.
If we can show the desugared/parsed subpipeline, like we do for unionWith's subpipeline, that would be beneficial for testing and probably for our customers as well.
- is related to
SERVER-81802 $lookup serializes unresolved sub-pipeline
- Open