Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Cluster Scalability
Fully Compatible
Cluster Scalability 2024-11-11
BF-35605 shows that there can be oplog entries past "blocking-writes" noop oplog entry. From the logs, they are noop oplog entries for some internal transaction:
[2024/11/06 01:15:51.899] [j0:s0:n0] {"t":{"$date":"2024-11-06T06:15:51.899+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"ASSERT", "id":4457000, "svc":"S", "ctx":"ReshardingRecipientService-12","msg":"Tripwire assertion","attr":{"error":{"code":6077499,"codeName":"Location6077499","errmsg":"Unexpectedly found entry after reshardFinalOp: {lsid: {id: BinData(4, \"F737239858734F38A4F9835BD1EFB4C7\"), uid: BinData(0, \"E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855\"), txnNumber: 172, txnUUID: BinData(4, \"FCC41249BDC84D74B858E681665AE9A9\")}, txnNumber: 1, op: \"n\", ns: \"test15_fsmdb0.fsmcoll0\", ui: BinData(4, \"C6EBAE3E3DCA451CB88CCA924CAA0FBA\"), o: {_id: 275, rand: 0.485058, counter: 0}, stmtId: 0, ts: Timestamp(1730873750, 912), t: 20, v: 2, wall: 2024-11-06T06:15:50.964Z, _id: {clusterTime: Timestamp(1730873750, 913), ts: Timestamp(1730873750, 912)}}"},"location":"{fileName:\"src/mongo/db/s/resharding/resharding_donor_oplog_iterator.cpp\", line:144, functionName:\"_fillBatch\"}"}}
- is related to
SERVER-96780 ReshardingOplogFetcher insert batching should discard oplog entries after the final oplog entry
- Closed
SERVER-96561 Make ReshardingOplogFetcher insert oplog entries in batch
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-96949 ReshardingOplogFetcher doesn't filter out forged pre/postImage noop oplog entries for findAndModify in retryable internal transaction against other collections
- Backlog