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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-97512

Investigate if a shard can refresh its routing information and retry the operation within a transaction

    • Catalog and Routing
    • CAR Team 2024-11-25

      After SERVER-95393 [Dedicate a catalog cache and loader to the shard role] work, the shard now uses a ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader to refresh its routing information.

      Currently, if a shard's routing information is stale during a transaction, the shard does not attempt to retry the operation. Instead, it raises a `StaleConfig` exception that will subsequently be retried at the driver level. This approach may be overly pessimistic, given that the shard—whether primary or secondary—can now refresh its routing information through the config server without needing to write anything to disk.

      This ticket aims to track an investigation and possibly implement changes that would allow the shard to refresh its routing information and retry operations within the transaction.

            pol.pinol@mongodb.com Pol Pinol
            pol.pinol@mongodb.com Pol Pinol
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