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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-1422

Mongoimport cannot import dates that mongoexport outputs

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 3.0.8, 3.2.9, 3.3.12
    • Component/s: mongoexport, mongoimport
    • None

      The examples try to roundtrip a document with multiple date fields. Attached is a dump of the test.date collection since minDate and maxDate cannot be created in the mongo shell.

      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.2.9/bin/mongorestore --dir ~/Downloads/dump
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.405-0700   	building a list of dbs and collections to restore from /Users/shane/Downloads/dump dir
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.405-0700   	reading metadata for test.date from /Users/shane/Downloads/dump/test/date.metadata.json
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.452-0700   	restoring test.date from /Users/shane/Downloads/dump/test/date.bson
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.454-0700   	restoring indexes for collection test.date from metadata
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.454-0700   	finished restoring test.date (1 document)
      2016-08-31T10:59:55.454-0700   	done
      $ mongo --eval "db.date.findOne();"
      MongoDB shell version: 3.2.8
      connecting to: test
             	"_id" : ObjectId("573debafd3a32e75b0d56bf1"),
             	"maxDate" : ISODate("292278994-08-17T07:12:56.808Z"),
             	"minDate" : ISODate("-292275055-05-16T16:47:02.192Z"),
             	"largeDate" : ISODate("2038-01-19T03:14:08Z"),
             	"smallDate" : ISODate("1901-12-13T20:45:52Z")

      Roundtripping using mongoexport/mongoimport 2.6 only maxDate is preserved:

      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-ssl-2.6.4-splunk/bin/mongoexport -d test -c date --out date26.json
      connected to:
      exported 1 records
      $ cat date26.json
      { "_id" : { "$oid" : "573debafd3a32e75b0d56bf1" }, "maxDate" : { "$date" : { "$numberLong" : "9223372036854775807" } }, "minDate" : { "$date" : { "$numberLong" : "-9223372036854775808" } }, "largeDate" : { "$date" : "2038-01-18T19:14:08.000-0800" }, "smallDate" : { "$date" : { "$numberLong" : "-2147483648000" } } }
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-ssl-2.6.4-splunk/bin/mongoimport -d test -c date26 date26.json
      connected to:
      2016-08-31T11:11:29.319-0700 imported 1 objects
      $ mongo --eval "db.date26.findOne();"
      MongoDB shell version: 3.2.8
      connecting to: test
             	"_id" : ObjectId("573debafd3a32e75b0d56bf1"),
             	"maxDate" : ISODate("292278994-08-17T07:12:56.808Z")

      Roundtripping using mongoexport/mongoimport 3.0, 3.2, and 3.3 cause parse errors:

      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-ssl-3.0.8-splunk/bin/mongoexport -d test -c date --out date30.json
      2016-08-31T11:12:32.217-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T11:12:32.217-0700   	exported 1 record
      $ cat date30.json
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-ssl-3.0.8-splunk/bin/mongoimport -d test -c date30 date30.json
      2016-08-31T11:12:54.830-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T11:12:54.830-0700   	Failed: error getting extended BSON for document #0: parsing time "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006"
      2016-08-31T11:12:54.830-0700   	imported 0 documents
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.2.9/bin/mongoexport -d test -c date --out date32.json
      2016-08-31T11:14:00.386-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T11:14:00.386-0700   	exported 1 record
      $ cat date32.json
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.2.9/bin/mongoimport -d test -c date32 date32.json
      2016-08-31T11:14:35.914-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T11:14:35.915-0700   	Failed: error getting extended BSON for document #0: parsing time "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006"
      2016-08-31T11:14:35.915-0700   	imported 0 documents
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.3.12/bin/mongoexport -d test -c date --out date33.json
      2016-08-31T12:02:41.208-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T12:02:41.209-0700   	exported 1 record
      $ cat date33.json
      $ ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-enterprise-3.3.12/bin/mongoimport -d test -c date33 date33.json
      2016-08-31T12:03:27.151-0700   	connected to: localhost
      2016-08-31T12:03:27.152-0700   	Failed: error getting extended BSON for document #0: parsing time "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00": cannot parse "-292275055-05-16T16:47:04.192Z" as "2006"
      2016-08-31T12:03:27.152-0700   	imported 0 documents

            backlog-server-platform DO NOT USE - Backlog - Platform Team
            shane.harvey@mongodb.com Shane Harvey
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