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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-699

Mongodump from 2.6 fails to restore

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: mongodump, mongorestore
    • None

      I built a copy of Wikipedia in MongoDB some time back using 2.4 or 2.6 and did a mongodump.

      When I try to restore it the index build fails with

      015-04-01T14:59:05.543+0100	Failed: restore error: wikipedia.records: error creating indexes for wikipedia.records: createIndex error: exception: Btree::insert: key too large to index, failing wikipedia.records.$text_text_title_text 1232 { : "一之鳥居此の大鳥居は一之鳥居ともいひ、治承4年12月源頼朝の創建にかかり、壽永元年夫人政子築造の段葛と共...", : 0.5003186743148502 }

      Yes - that's chinese

      Surely if it was in originally then it shouldn't fail on restore - is this a consequence of bulk rebuilding of indexes?

      15-04-01T14:58:46.000+0100 I -        [conn2]   Index: (2/3) BTree Bottom Up Progress: 502251300/506740867 99%
      2015-04-01T14:58:56.002+0100 I -        [conn2]   Index: (2/3) BTree Bottom Up Progress: 505037100/506740867 99%
      2015-04-01T14:59:05.319+0100 I INDEX    [conn2] Btree::insert: key too large to index, failing wikipedia.records.$text_text_title_text 1232 { : "一之鳥居此の大鳥居は一之鳥居ともいひ、治承4年12月源頼朝の創建にかかり、壽永元年夫人政子築造の段葛と共...", : 0.5003186743148502 }
      2015-04-01T14:59:05.541+0100 I COMMAND  [conn2] command wikipedia.$cmd command: createIndexes { createIndexes: "records", indexes: [ { ns: "wikipedia.records", name: "_id_", key: { _id: 1.0 } }, { ns: "wikipedia.records", name: "text_text_title_text", weights: { text: 1.0, title: 1.0 }, default_language: "english", language_override: "language", textIndexVersion: 1.0, key: { _fts: "text", _ftsx: 1.0 } } ] } keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:432 locks:{} 6099140ms

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            john.page@mongodb.com John Page
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