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  1. VS Code Extension
  2. VSCODE-589

/query: Display only 10 items in clickable lists with the show more option

    • Developer Tools
    • 3
    • Needed
    • Hide

      We display up to 10 connections, databases, and collections in the chat participant lists, with the possibility of opening more in the command palette by clicking on the "Show more" option. For connections, we show the "Show more" option even when the list is shorter than 10 because we want to allow users to add a new connection.

      We display up to 10 connections, databases, and collections in the chat participant lists, with the possibility of opening more in the command palette by clicking on the "Show more" option. For connections, we show the "Show more" option even when the list is shorter than 10 because we want to allow users to add a new connection.
    • Iteration Ionosphere

      For connections, databases, and collection lists, show only 10 recent items and the link to open more in the command palette.

            alena.khineika@mongodb.com Alena Khineika
            alena.khineika@mongodb.com Alena Khineika
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