I was running random_abort against a failed database home directory and I'm getting a message that it cannot create a SAVE directory. The path is wrong. I haven't dug into what function call this message is coming from but it should be fixed. I have an absolute path to the database directory.
The home directory was in my home dir and I was in a <some_path>/build/test/csuite/random_abort directory of a WiredTiger tree to run a verify on the database:
[sue@kodkod-aws (1) random_abort]$ ./test_random_abort -h ~/10789.HOME -v -T 5 mkdir: cannot create directory ‘..//home/sue/10789.HOME.SAVE’: No such file or directory Open database, run recovery and verify content ...
Definition of Done:
- The working directory can be specified using an absolute OR a relative path without errors.